Sign up
Sign up for Nomad Leasing to travel the United States and enjoy short term stays, as short as one month per destination. Nomad Leasing will create a long term lease using your selected cities,
so you pay monthly rent rates instead of pricier daily rates... Show more
Sign up for Nomad Leasing to travel the United States and enjoy short term stays, as short as one month per destination. Nomad Leasing will create a long term lease using your selected cities,
so you pay monthly rent rates instead of pricier daily rates. In the Sign-Up form, number of companions refers to how many people will be staying in your apartment, and number of units refers to how many apartments
the group you are traveling will need (if you aren't traveling in a group that would need multiple apartments, input 1). The priority ranking will be considered if you input more 'months' than indicated on your
lease term. So if you're feeling more adventurous, select and rank more cities and Nomad Leasing will put together a lease based on your preferences. We do our best to create lease options that rotate tenants so
they can get the most out of their lease, travel, and see the country. If for some reason your destinations or time preferences do not align with a lease rotation we will reach out to you. Putting more destinations
and prioritizing them gives you a better chance of being placed on a rotation. Signing Up through this form is not signing a lease. We will send you a package with a rotating destination lease and from there you
will be able to apply for our lease. Email with any questions. We look forward to helping you start your next adventure! Show less